Room Integrity Testing
When you have a gas fire suppression system installed to protect key electrical equipment, it’s important that the room in which it is located is secure enough to contain the gas long enough to be effective on the fire.
Here at Scutum North, we can carry out the room integrity testing required to ensure your suppression system can work effectively. All our work is carried out to the highest room integrity testing standards as detailed in BS EN 15004-1. This provides for a minimum retention time of ten minutes for all gaseous agents except carbon dioxide, which needs a minimum retention time of 20 minutes.
A room integrity test should be carried out at the time of installation of a gas suppression system, with annual tests thereafter to meet the requirements of British Standards (ISO14520 / BS EN15004) and NFPA 2001 Code. You would also require a new integrity test if any modifications are made to the room in question.
Find out more about electrical and server room integrity testing services available in and around Leeds, Sheffield and Manchester by getting in touch with the experienced team of advisers at Scutum North today.