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Helping shops and shopping centres stay secure and fire safe

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Fire Safety Services for the Retail Sector

Scutum North is committed to providing the very best in fire safety and security services to the retail sector in the north of England, including in and around Leeds, Manchester and Sheffield.

With heavy footfall on a daily basis, plus large quantities of flammable or expensive material held in stores and stockrooms, retail fire protection requires the very latest and most effective fire safety equipment and alarms. We can supply, install and maintain fire alarm systems for shops and shopping centres, together with modern fire suppression and detection solutions, including aspirating smoke detection systems.

Our extensive range of retail fire safety services includes:

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Security Services & Systems for Shops

The need to protect valuable stock from shoplifters or more organised criminals means that you need the best possible security to ensure your assets stay safe. Our experienced team can design an effective security system that deals with the specific risks and vulnerabilities at your premises, while our security system monitoring service ensures you can rest easy 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Our retail security services and solutions include:

Get in touch with Scutum North today to discover more about our retail fire safety and retail security systems or to arrange a free site visit and competitive quotation.

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Fire Risk Assessments

Scutum North provides professional fire risk assessments to help protect your business premises and ensure that you are in full compliance with all current fire safety regulations.

Fire Risk Assessments
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Security Site Survey

We provide a full security site survey and offer free expert advice and quotes.

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